The Girl Who Danced Her Tears Away
is a suspense crime thriller set in Japan and Book One of a trilogy.
It introduces Regan Kent, a feisty heroine from Liverpool
who goes to Osaka
to find out what's happened to her missing sister.
When the Japanese cops don't make much headway, Regan makes it her business
to get to the bottom of the mystery
and then to mete out her own brand of justice.
. Purchase you copy on Amazon and treat yourself to a thrilling read.
Note that The Girl Who Danced Her Tears Away contains occasional earthy language and descriptions
of violence that some readers may find unsettling.
is a suspense crime thriller set in Japan and Book One of a trilogy.
It introduces Regan Kent, a feisty heroine from Liverpool
who goes to Osaka
to find out what's happened to her missing sister.
When the Japanese cops don't make much headway, Regan makes it her business
to get to the bottom of the mystery
and then to mete out her own brand of justice.
. Purchase you copy on Amazon and treat yourself to a thrilling read.
Note that The Girl Who Danced Her Tears Away contains occasional earthy language and descriptions
of violence that some readers may find unsettling.
Sexual blackmail, police coercion
and a unique form of enhanced interrogation
at the hands of the yakuza befall English teacher Tim Harrison
when he stumbles upon a scandal—that if exposed--
will shame and humiliate Japan in the eyes of the world.
and a unique form of enhanced interrogation
at the hands of the yakuza befall English teacher Tim Harrison
when he stumbles upon a scandal—that if exposed--
will shame and humiliate Japan in the eyes of the world.
Killing Time in Tokyo starts as slow-burn crime storythen ignites into a fast-paced suspense crime thriller
that pulls you twisting and turning down into Japan's murky underworld.
Think you know what's going on? Don't bet your life on it.
that pulls you twisting and turning down into Japan's murky underworld.
Think you know what's going on? Don't bet your life on it.
You can purchse Killing Time in Tokyo on your Amazon Kindle store,
and it is available for free on Kindle Unlimited.
Check it out here.
Note that Killing Time in Tokyo contains occasional earthy language and descriptions
of sex and violence that some readers may find unsettling.
and it is available for free on Kindle Unlimited.
Check it out here.
Note that Killing Time in Tokyo contains occasional earthy language and descriptions
of sex and violence that some readers may find unsettling.